Our existing blogs cover a wide variety of subjects and provide alternative perspectives on current events. They strive to avoid the ‘half-truths’ perpetrated by major media, seeking the real truth instead. One discusses personal life experiences which will be published and/or broadcast soon.
With the proliferation of social media discussions, you can always stay up to date on issues that directly affect your life, particularly the good news that’s always ignored or ‘spun’ by the broadly quoted media outlets. It insults our intelligence to say it’s raining when the sun is out… and think we don’t know the difference. Check out a different perspective on our sites shown below, because the truth really does make you free.
2024: IMMEDIATE CHANGE – A site that discusses an American life, with a special section on A Pre-Geriatric Saga: The Biopsy Blues. This is a 7-part story on how one conquers breast cancer and keeps moving towards their goal with a clear mind, in spite of the obstacles encountered.
WEBCLASS99 – This site was specifically for a computer class. The objective was to keep track of my ‘progress,’ as well as include links to relevant web development insights that I run across in my web adventures. It turned out to be much more; a repository for tech articles that I think will bring light to an interesting field. Stop by when you have free time.
There are so many relevant topics to discuss today that we’ll be sure to have a word for you. Alternatively, that same word will provide enough information upon which to base an intelligent decision that lead to intelligent actions. Please subscribe by leaving your e-mail address to be notified of new editorials or posts. In the meantime, feel free to visit our other blogs or read the articles on New Dispensation Websites.