RIP, Herb Kent: The Heart of Chicago Radio

There are no accolades that I can give which haven’t already been uttered on this brother’s behalf… The Guinness World Record he received for being continually on the air for 65 years [in 2009] is a testament to his genius. He lasted on the air for so long because he loved what he did and the recipients of that love gave it right back.

The Dichotomies, Then Solutions! Podcast

“Dichotomies, Then Solutions” Podcast

The children with the guns live right down the street; the question then becomes, who’s running their households? We’re going to deal with them, too. They are us – they just went the wrong way. Are you thinking like the system and say they can’t be redeemed? Then you’re part of the problem. Someone redeemed you, so why do you think it can’t happen for them? God knows, the vast majority of grown folks in the world did some dirt while they were children, but they didn’t stay there. They learned from their mistakes and moved on.