The Ubiquity of the Internet

A view of the Chicago River, from the elevated train. Summer 2018.
Chicago River View from the Brown Line. (c) 2018, JSB*Art. All Rights Reserved.

SPRING, 2025 — New Dispensation Websites is completing some major changes. Our collection of websites will reside here for your convenience, including the podcast “Dichotomies, Then Solutions!” We’re also excited about books that are in the works, which will be available for purchase. Our objective is to provide a better experience for existing and future visitors. It’s exciting to see it take shape; please be patient and see us thrive along with you.

To be ‘ubiquitous’ is to be always present but in the background, blending in. Some might ignore you altogether. Today’s global interconnectivity can be overwhelming or exhilarating, depending on where you stand. The question is, are you – as a business owner, job seeker, student, or knowledge aspirant – making it work in your favor? It can be done.

Since 1995, the Internet has morphed from a tool for academia and governments to the glue that holds the world together. It makes the most remote parts of the globe accessible to anyone, by the touch of a keyboard, screen, or by using a smartphone. We are ready to help you sort it all out because as quiet as its kept, many, many people are still trying to make sense of technology. It changes by the minute and some can’t keep up. The word ‘new’ is relative, seeing that the commercial Internet was released in 1995 – that’s 30 years ago this year!

In the recent past, NDW was focused on building websites and providing services for small businesses. In the midst of so many technological and societal changes happening, we launched our first podcast in 2017 to make sense of if all. At the moment, it’s being revamped to bring a more relevant, useful experience to our current and future viewers. Find out more about this great podcast of solutions here.
As the world changes and we change / grow along with it, time dictates that it should be better spent disseminating information that can help those who are seeking ways to improve their lives while also seeking the same ourselves. Although focused on the African Diaspora [especially those of us born in the U.S.], what will be discussed on this collection of Internet spaces can benefit anyone with a vision of humanity that sees other people as they really are – someone with the same goals and aspiration that they have. This will include technical tips, so we won’t be left behind again; discussions on political events that affect us here and abroad; info to improve our health at all ages, and much more. It’s a work in progress, and I thank you for your patience while it comes to fruition in 2025.

God Bless, and welcome to New Dispensation Websites, one that will become major contributors to global democratization, the Internet’s purpose of creation.

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